EFC Paid Coaching Policy
Epping Football Club does not support paid coaching positions, where the paid coach provides coaching services to the whole team, or to individuals who play in an EFC team. We are a community-based club that successfully runs on the contributions of volunteers, to the benefit of all.
As a club, we believe that allowing paid coaching positions has the potential to create many scenarios where a conflict of interest will arise, especially between paid and volunteer coaches, coached players, the team and parents (of junior players).
Epping Football Club does not support individuals who use their position and/or contacts within the club as a basis to expand their own coaching business for personal commercial gain. This is not what our club is about and is not in the best interests of our members. Those who use the facilities and equipment provided by the club (including the use of grounds that have been hired by Epping Football Club) to expand their personal business will be asked to return all club equipment and remove themselves from the grounds.
An individual who performs apaid coaching role (outside of Epping FC) cannot be a coach or manager for an Epping FC team that includes players who pay for additional coaching. For clarification, an individual who is paid for private coaching or tuition of a player will not be permitted to hold the role of coach or manager for the team the player(s) is registered in. Further, any individual who performs a paid coaching role (outside of Epping FC) must obtain prior written consent from the Club President or Club Secretary to coach or manage anyunrelated EFC team.
The clubs expects volunteer coaches and/or managers of Epping Football Club to disclose all paid coaching arrangements at the time of taking on any volunteer roles with the club at the commencement of every season.
On very rare occasions it may be appropriate for the Epping Football Club Committee to agree with the introduction of a paid coaching role, such as for our Premier League or Super League teams. An exemption from the above stated policy may be granted with written approval from the EFC Club President or Club Secretary.
Epping Football Club reserves the right to deregister any coach or manager in violation of this policy.