Register to play in 2025
Registration for EFC's 2025 Winter competition is now open. Register via the Play Football website.
The Play Football system has updated to a new version this year. Refer to our Play Football guide for further information to help with registration.
The Play Football System is owned and operated by Football Australia who are the games governing body. If any issues with logging in and/or registering, please contact the Play Football support team on 02 8880 7983.
Logging onto Play Football v2.0 - Log-In details have migrated from the old system, meaning passwords will remain the same. Please note that if you have used Google or Facebook to create your account, you will only be able to log-in through the respective social sign-in portal (e.g. ‘Sign In with Google’).
Reclaiming and / or creating Participant Records in Play Football v2.0 - It is important, especially for parents, on Play Football v2.0 to establish themselves as the primary account holder. This is done through the creation of a ‘Participant Record’, refer to below support article. If you do not claim an existing record during this process the system will generate a new FFA number under your account details.
Linking Family Members - Once a participant record has been established, you can now link family members under your primary account. Note that inviting any family members with the same email address associated with the primary account holder will automatically be linked thus not requiring to be accepted or declined.
There is a support video with instructions on how to register in the new play football system once you have created your participant record
Registration Status - your registration’s status may appear as ‘Not Eligible’ until the registration has been approved by the club. Once the club has approved the participants registration this status will change to be Eligible meaning that the participant is now registered and eligible to take the pitch.
NSW Active Kids voucher program remains in place and provides a $50 voucher to qualifying parents/guardians which can be used to contribute to your football registration. Eligible families need to apply for an Active Kids voucher prior to registering for football if they wish to use the voucher in registration
An early bird discount will be in place until the end of January so register now to save. View our pricing for the 2025 Winter season.
We have a very special offer for groups of Under 6 players who register as a whole team. Please contact our club president if you wish to take up our Under 6 team offer at
The club continues to experience strong growth and players are encouraged to register ASAP to ensure you secure a place in a team. Many Junior age groups are expected to fill quickly.