Play Football with EFC
Come and play football with Epping Football Club - Epping Football Club has a proud history of more than 50 years in our local community and today is one of the largest football clubs in the area, with the best facilities at the wonderful West Epping Oval with 2 state of the art synthetic pitches. In 2020 we also opened our brand new clubhouse facility at West Epping Oval.
Epping Football Club fields a large number of teams each season covering all ages - both male/mixed and all-girls football - and accommodating players of all abilities. We also have a significant number of highly competitive teams playing in the top division 1 competitions across most ages in male and female football.
All Epping FC teams train weekday evenings at West Epping Oval with weekend games played from April through to the end of August. We look forward to also continuing the success of our Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night games for many of our adult teams.
Epping Football club is not just a great place to play football but it is a great community of people who enjoy spending time together training and playing football on weekends across both winter and summer.